I have been using Typing Instructor Platinum for a few weeks now and I have to say it's an excellent way to learn how to type correctly and quickly. The lessons are easy to follow and the difficulty levels gradually increase, so you can track your progress and keep improving. The tests at the end of each lesson help you to gauge your progress and identify any areas that need more work. Highly recommended!
Nowadays, almost everybody uses a computer, tablet or smartphone, so typing is a very useful skill to communicate in a fast and accurate manner. This program, as its name implies, lets you learn how to type fast and accurately in an easy and fun manner.
Before starting, you can choose your typing skill level or perform a test so that the program can assign you a level automatically.
The program is organized as a trip. You can choose your destination from a world map with the different flags of the countries you want to visit. Each lesson will have a background related to that country, making the study of the lessons more pleasant. All the lessons are progressive, starting with the easiest and advancing to the more difficult in each level. You can repeat each lesson as many times as necessary until you master it. At the end of each lesson, you can read your score so that you can decide if you need to repeat a lesson or not.
A very interesting function is the Dictation feature, which also has several difficulty levels. As you can imagine, the program will dictate aloud several phrases and you will need to type them without errors. more
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